Book an Appointment at Cardiff Hearing - Taff's Well
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Sonja Jones, Award Winning Clinical Audiologist (Commended Audiologist in European Audiologist of the Year Awards 2019), as seen on the BBC documentary "The Music Room: Beethoven" and in the Sunday Telegraph, is the owner of Cardiff Hearing.
Cardiff Hearing has clinics in both Ely (Cardiff) and Taffs Well.
It's very important to Sonja that no matter which clinician you see in her practices, that you feel cared for like family. Sonja only hires clinicians who she would be happy for her own Mum to see, as such, please rest assured that you are in safe hands in our practices and we operate to the strictest of standards, in line with NICE guidelines.
If you would like to book with us, choose the treatment/appointment you require - this will take you through to our availability and you can book yourself in. You can also click on our cheerful faces if you fancy trying a particular clinician.
In Ely we have:
Hannah Parcell, who is a Registered Hearing Aid Audiologist providing you with hearing consultations, hearing aids and more. She is located in Cardiff Hearing HQ.
Emma Lewis is our Hear Care Assistant and is our hearing aid repair wizard and is highly experienced at microsuction (and irrigation) ear wax removal. She is located in Suite 7.
In Taffs Well we have:
Andy Mardell, our Registered Nurse, providing ear wax removal.
Sonja Jones, Clinical Audiologist and Hearing Aid Dispenser providing hearing consultations, tinnitus consultations, and hearing aids.
We look forward to seeing you soon and would like to thank you for choosing our local and independent hearing health practice.
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Located at: Unit 2 Scimitar Court, Cardiff Road, Taff's Well
Directions & Map | All Locations
Need Help? 029 2015 0022